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Things of God
"I wish above all things
that you will prosper and be in health,
even as your soul prospers."
1 John 1:2
How Healthy is Your Soul?
Have you had a Spiritual Wellness check-up lately?
Are you Spiritually Active? Do you get enough Spiritual Exercise? Are your spiritual muscles growing stronger One Tree at a Time?
What about your Spiritual Nutrition? What is your soul feeding upon? Are you living on spiritual fast food? Or are you enjoying spiritual feasts?
What about your Spiritual Rest? Are you taking the time to be still and know God?
Have you identified your Purpose in life? Does this purpose give Meaning to your life?
Why is Spiritual Health Essential for being Positively Healthy?
In order to be Positively Healthy, we have to be healthy in all areas of our beings: physical, mental, social, and spiritual. Studies show that there is a positive link between spirituality/religion and health. Consider a few of these findings:
Religion may reduce stress and increase longevity.
Religious involvement is associated with greater purpose, optimism, generosity, and gratitude.
Individuals involved in church activities more than once per week had a 55% decreased risk of dying than those who didn't attend church.
There is a significant positive link between having a Sabbath rest and emotional/mental health.
The Importance of Spiritual Meaning
Health is enhanced when it is filled with meaning. Going through the motions of spiritual fast food does not satisfy the soul or improve health and well-being. Only a life filled with spiritual meaning can significantly improve health and well-being.
How May I Help You?
Would you like to be Spiritually Fit? To live a Meaningful life? To have a Purpose that guides you as you make choices every day? To have Faith? To be more Resilient? To be filled with Peace and Hope? To have increased Intimacy with God, your spouse, your family, your friends?
Why not start today to enhance your Spiritual Wellness? Contact me now to learn how to be Spiritually Fit—with good Spiritual Exercise, Spiritual Food, Spiritual Rest, and Spiritual Meaning! It's all part of being Positively Healthy!
"It would seem to be only good medicine
to examine
the religious lifestyles of patients . . . encouraging them to increase
their level of spiritual exercise
and to improve the
nutrition of their souls."
Harold G. Koenig MD
The Link Between Religion and Health:
Psychoneuroimmunology and the Faith Factor
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