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Active & Fun
One Tree at a Time!
My Story
I am not athletic. I have no sports that I excel in. I'm just average. My family would tease that I couldn't run from our house to the mailbox. Walking I could do...but run? Never! I hated it!
Then came a devastating time in my personal life that I had no control over. I was stressed and feeling powerless to change the situation. From my research, I knew that exercise—specifically running—was one of the best ways to mitigate the harmful effects of severe chronic stress. So, I decided to start running. My plan was to run in the early morning darkness where no could see me or know that I was attempting to run. It was my private pact with God.
The first morning I walked to the 18th hole of a nearby golf course and decided that my goal was to be able to run one hole of the course. I didn't get more than a few yards before I was totally out of breath and quit running, but I made myself walk the rest of the hole. The next morning I was out there again, and this time I chose to run one tree farther than the previous day. I did this every day—never allowing myself to do less than the previous day—until I could run that one hole One Tree at a Time. Wow! I was in disbelief! So, I added a second hole, and then a third—One Tree at a Time—until I'd run one mile.
Now, I looked forward to getting out of bed and going on my early morning run with God. I couldn't control what was happening in my personal life, but I could control my running. I could choose to run whatever I set my mind to do. Not fast! But steady! Never quitting or giving up! One Tree at a Time!
When things were extra stressful, I signed up for my first 10K . . . then a half marathon . . . and after a particularly painful time, I signed up for a full marathon. How I regretted that at first! I knew I couldn't run 26.2 miles! Or could I? Then and there I decided that I could—One Tree at a Time! I didn't tell people about it. I just did it! That was in 2014.
I still didn't consider myself a runner. Until one day, waiting in an airport lounge for my flight, a woman came over and inquired , "You're a runner, aren't you?" I looked around to see who she was talking to. It was me! I didn't know what to say. I thought about my private life of running and where it had taken me—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—One Tree at a Time. I'd come a long way! Then I answered with confidence, "Yes! I am a runner!!" and added, only for myself to hear, "One Tree at a Time!"
Your Story?
What is your story? What is your impossible? Where are your trees? What would you like your story to be? Are you ready and eager to start writing/rewriting your story? Why not start today! One Tree at a Time!
Some Evidence-based Research Findings to Think About
We live in a world that does not invite us to be active. It is easy to spend hours of screen time without even moving. Our lives are so busy that most of us are barely getting done what needs to be done—let alone adding exercise to our already busy schedule. Consider this:
Physical inactivity causes:
1 in 10 premature deaths
6% of coronary disease
7% of type 2 diabetes
10% of breast cancer
10% of colon cancer
7% of all-cause mortality is attributable to sitting
But wait! What if we made time in our daily lives to have active fun? Might the benefits outweigh the seeming difficulties? There is good news! There is hope!
Exercise IS Medicine!
150 minutes/week of high intensity aerobic exercise results in 20% reduced risk of all-cause mortality
walking 200 minutes/week gives you an additional 3 years of life
being active by running in mid-life lowers the risk of dementia by 90%
the lifestyle diseases caused by physical inactivity can be prevented, treated, and reversed
daily exercise is known to regulate hormones, lower blood pressure, increase bone density, grow BDNF—a
brain fertilizer, mitigate the effects of stress, and keep the mind sharp and focused — to name a few
daily activity leads to whole-body fitness and well-being
exercise is the twin "medicine" (along with healthy eating) for permanent weight loss and maintaining an ideal body weight
being active increases endorphins—the feel-good chemicals in the brain
exercise that is fun is sustainable
How May I Help You?
Time to get up and get moving! Just imagine who you can become and what you can attain! I'd love to partner with you to help you "run" One Tree at a Time! Let's explore together your goals: chronic lifestyle disease reversal or prevention, weight loss, agility, balance, strength training, fitness, feeling good. . . or running a marathon! Whatever your goals, let's unleash your active potential, find what you love to do, and get moving! If I can do it, so can you! It would be my pleasure to come alongside you, coach you, mentor you, cheer you, and encourage you . . . One Tree at a Time!
In just 12 short weeks you can be well on your way to a new, active, and fit YOU! Contact me today and let's get started! Let's journey together One Tree at a Time!

If It's FUN . . . It's SUSTAINABLE!

Put yourself into the Positively Healthy active picture! One Tree at a Time..!

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